Ways You Can Help Me With RentSmart
If you receive this message, it was probably because you were invited by the founder or a friend. Your help / support is very much appreciated.
Dear Friends,
As many of you might know, I’ve started my own company called RentSmart Asia. We are trying to disrupt the buying market by creating the awareness of renting.
RentSmart Asia allows individuals like you and I to rent unused things from our house with peace of mind and earn at the same time. Its a side hustle that we expect an individual to easily make about RM 500 – RM 1,000 a month when renting common items.
RentSmart Asia also gives smaller rental companies a platform to extend their services out onto the internet. Through our platform, they also get the benefit of protecting their items and grow their market reach & consequently their revenue.
So How Can I Help?
There are many ways you can help me, and I’ll start with the easiest:
☑ Please like us and follow us on:
How does that help?
We need this to grow our marketing reach. When we advertise, we hope you’ll see our ads or our posts on our page and like, share it. This helps us to expand our organic marketing reach.
☑ When you see our posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, please like/comment and share.
How does that help?
It helps to drive engagement on our site, and subsequently the reach. Of course when you share our articles, items for rent or event items people are looking for rent, your friends will see it. This helps us with brand awareness as well getting the message to more and more people.
☑ Give us your recommendation on Facebook and a Review on Google.
For Facebook recommendation, please comment only when you have a genuine experience to share to others. It goes the same for Google Review; however you are welcome to give us ratings (stars) to your heart’s content 😉 .
How does that help?
Typically to verify the authenticity of the site, people go on to Google and Facebook and do a search. Having recommendations and reviews helps us to build that trust people are looking for.
☑ Sometimes it’s better to rent than to buy; especially if you are not going to use it long term.
If you are in need of something for rent, please advertise on our In Search Off list. Include a short description as to when you need it, an image sample of the item you need and we’ll advertise it and attempt to find people who have the item you are looking for. I’d also like for you to join our WhatsApp group to broadcast an item you are looking for.
How does that help?
This helps us in several different ways:
- Firstly, it helps to give people wanting to put things up for rent an idea of what others are looking for.
- Secondly, you are helping us to grow our list of inventory with items people really are looking for
- Lastly, you are supporting the growth of our business when a transaction occurs
☑ If you have things in your home that is unused and you would like to rent it out. Please sign up as a vendor to RentSmart and help us rent it out.
How does that help?
We are looking to build our inventory on RentSmart Asia. We are looking to build our inventory predominantly from individuals. So by you adding the items you own for rent on RentSmart, you are helping us build that inventory.
- To know more about item protection by RentSmart Protect
- To know about how to easy it is to upload items
☑ Become a test for RentSmart’s current & new features.
Click here to join our WhatsApp the group of testers.
How does that help?
As founders, we have designed the platform based on how we think people will use it. However, we need our friends and family to be our litmus test to tell us if we are making sense or not. Getting feedback from a friend is a lot more manageable than from a nasty customer.
Your role will be to help us test the features that we roll out and give us your feedback. You’ll be informed from time to time when we need some tests done. There will be a deadline so we can conclude the test and move forward. In the event you are not available to help us test, just let us know and we’ll know not to expect a test result from you.
☑ If you have any expertise you would like to share and help us with, we would gladly welcome it.
Please write to info@www.www.rentsmartasia.com with the subject “I Can Help RentSmart”
How does that help?
There are lots of time we do not know what we do not know. Some of our friends might have some expertise and experience in some areas/fields that might be able to support us and give us continuous guidance. Your expertise could come in many forms, including marketing, e-commerce, tech, investments, fundraising etc. We are not fussed, if you think you can help please do 🙂
You’ll be updated as we progress and as and where you have any input, please share with us. You may be required to sit with us in a meeting so we are all synced up.